Guided by the vision, mission and core values of the University, QAAC has the following remit:
- Develop, implement, and maintain a quality management system that meets international best practice in higher education, as well as compliance with relevant legislative and professional standards and regulations of the Kingdom of Bahrain;
- Evaluate and continuously enhance the effectiveness of the University’s quality management system and implement quality assurance improvements as necessary;
- Share international best practice with both academic and non‐academic departments, and coordinate various activities designed to ensure quality and excellence in both academic and non‐academic services;
- Guide the colleges in the conduct of annual internal programme evaluation & enhancement;
- Support the colleges in external quality reviews of academic programs, and assist them in the conduct of honest, transparent and critical self‐evaluation;
- Assist the University in maintaining compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Council in achieving and in maintaining accredited status for the University and its programmes;
- Support the colleges and administrative units in achieving and maintaining recognition by international professional bodies;
- Provide staff development to ensure awareness and support for the requirements of the university’s quality management system on a regular basis, and promote professional standards in leadership and management of staff, with clear emphasis on continuous quality improvement;
- Coordinate institutional effectiveness, assessment and reporting cycles in accordance with international quality standards, and provide assistance to both academic and administrative units in the collection, analysis and interpretation of pertinent institutional data;
- Manage the conduct of objective, systematic, and independent internal audit of administrative units, assessing their practices, procedures, system & work processes; human resource capabilities; quality of services; opportunities for improvement; as well as documentation and records;
- Create a culture based on high quality standards in all aspects of the University’s work; and,
- Collaborate with the Directorate of Higher Education Reviews (DHR) regarding programme and institutional quality reviews, the General Directorate of National Qualifications Framework (GDQ), as well as the Higher Education Council (HEC) on matters pertaining to higher education regulations and accreditation.
Quality Assurance & Accreditation for Academic Affairs Unit. It is the responsibility of the Unit to:
- Guide the colleges in the conduct of annual internal programme evaluation & enhancement;
- Support the colleges in external quality reviews and accreditation of academic programmes, and assist them in the conduct of honest, transparent and critical self-evaluation;
- Support the colleges in achieving and maintaining recognition by international professional bodies;
- Lead the accreditation of programmes including meeting the requirements of local, regional and international accrediting agencies;
- Manage the University quality review process assuring the quality of procedures and practices underpinning learning, teaching, assessment and support; and,
- Initiate the conduct of honest, transparent and critical self-evaluation of the academic programmes of the University.
Quality Assurance & Accreditation for Administrative Affairs Unit. It is the responsibility of the Unit to:
- Manage the conduct of objective, systematic, and independent internal audit of administrative units, assessing their practices, procedures, system & work processes; human resource capabilities; quality of services; opportunities for improvement; as well as documentation and records;
- Prepare an annual plan of audits and reviews;
- Prepare audit checklist for every admin audit;
- Conduct auditing activities on the chosen departments/units and conclude the auditing activity with a report highlighting the recommendations and commendations
- Report urgent matters of irregularity or concern to the concerned university authorities;
- Conclude the review activity with a follow-up report with the actions taken by the concerned unit to solve the original recommendations and follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations listed in the audit report; and,
- Provide an annual report on auditing activities identifying weaknesses and improvement opportunities.
Measurement and Evaluation Unit. It is the responsibility of the Unit to:
- Coordinate institutional effectiveness assessment and reporting cycles in accordance with international quality standards;
- Gather feedback constantly from stakeholders (faculty, students, alumni, employers of graduates, etc.) through periodic focus groups, surveys, etc.
- Lead on the drafting of the university’s strategic plans, inclusion the periodic review of its implementation and accomplishment;
- Adopt and implement a Structured Planning Process for the university, and determine and gather University’s strategic performance indicators (SPI) on a regular basis;
- Prepare strategic responses to address national and local initiatives, including bids for external funding and responses to consultations; and,
- Prepare annual report about the unit activities, the overall performance of the university and the progress made in strategies’ implementation.