We believe our staff have a huge amount of useful knowledge and thoughts to share with us and we have found interviews to be one of the quickest, most transparent ways to do it and share it with our readers as a new initiative within the President’s News Digest.
We would like to feature the first interview with:
Name: Abdulla Waheeb Alkhaja
Position: Director of Administration and Finance
- Tell us about yourself: (Your childhood, academic background, etc.)
I was born and raised in Bahrain, where I obtained my High School Diploma from Ibn Khuldoon National School (Bahrain) and my bachelor degree – BBA in Finance from St. Edwards University (Austin, Texas).
- Tell us about your job at ASU
I Joined ASU in September 2014 as a Financial Controller in the Finance Dept. A Year after, I have been promoted to the Director of Admin and Finance. Today I overlook and manage four important depts. in the University: Human Resources, Finance, Procurement and Logistics Services and Administrative affairs Departments.