Applied Science University sheds the light on the origin and nature of law
Manama – Applied Science University:
In the light of the seminars series which are included in the plan of scientific research for the year 2013/2014, the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at Applied Science University held a lecture entitled “The Origin of the law and its nature” by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yehia Almahasneh the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University in its New campus in east Eker.
The lecture tackled the issues of the origin of law as its development and its nature and determined its function as a tool for regulating the relations of individuals in society. The lecture aimed at defining the law in-depth as well as shedding the light on misconceptions and incorrect methods in law enforcement.
This lecture comes within the frame of a plan of the dean scientific research and graduate studies that focuses on extracurricular activities in order to offer opportunities for students and the local and regional community to gain knowledge and general culture about majors which is not normally available to acquaint through the media and traditional methods.