Dr. Al-Hamami a member of the Technical Committee for SMMF 2017
Dr. Mohammad Al-Hamami, the Assistant Professor at Management Information Systems and Manager of Community Engagement office at ASU was appointed as a member of the Technical Committee for the Social Media Masters Forum 2017 that will be organized by the Social Media Club in Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Technical Committee members in addition to Dr. Al-Hamami are: Dr. Abdulla Althawadi an ICT and Telecommunications Consultant at ComTec Consultancy Bahrain and Adjunct Professor at University of Bahrain, Mr. Nezar Maroof the Director of Government Support Projects at Information and eGovernment Authority, Mr. Salah AlBinJasim an Information Security and Protection consultant and the President of Bahrain Information Technology Society, Mr. Ali Sabkar the President of the Social Media Club, Mr. Abdullah AlDosary a member of Board of Directors at Social Media Club and Senior Computer Technician in the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Mohamed AlQassab a youth Information Security Professional.
The first meeting of the Technical Committee was held at the Gulf Hotel on Saturday 19 November 2016 to discuss the subjects and issues related to the preparation for the Social Media masters Forum 2017.