More than one hundred staff participated in the accreditation day
On 19 May 2016, more than a hundred staff attended the accreditation day. The objective of this accreditation day was to collect the needed input to write up the Self Evaluation Report.
Beyond this mechanical and tangible objective, there were goals that are more important:
- develop the teamwork spirit among the University Staff
- make the changes happen through the communication about the accreditation indicators, processes and milestones and by providing the staff the opportunity to express themselves about where we are and where we should be.
The programme of the day intended to be practical and interactive, using innovative tools:
A live presentation of the accreditation key indicators (243) using a video prepared by Mr. Rifat Hussein from ICT&KM Directorate was done and received very positive reaction from the audience.
To share knowledge among all the staff a portal developed by ICT&KM team was introduced during the presentation session. This portal contains all documents needed to be shared and known by all such as Bylaws, Policies and Procedures etc. and will contain all the evidences requested by HEC in the SER
Eight parallel workshops have been led for the 8 areas of the accreditation. Each group discussed for each indicator whether the university meets the indicator or not and what do they think should be done to meet it.
Finally, the output of each group has been presented to all after the workshops in a wrap-up session.
A feedback dashboard will be shared to all staff to show our progress on this process.
Many thanks to the workshops leaders and facilitators and to all the staff for their valuable participation.