Kick-off meeting for accreditation and change management
It was really pleasing to see more than 140 academic and administrative staff attending the kick-off meeting for accreditation and change management, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Professor Waheeb Al-Khaja. The event was reported in most of the Bahraini daily newspapers.
The event started with a presentation about our preparation for accreditation and the kicking off of the change management group. The presentation covered the 8 areas of accreditation, 31 standards and 243 key indicators and our self assessment of where we are in this area. Following this, the 13 change managements projects were described and their champions identified. Professor Saad presented project 1 on committees structure and Mr Mohammed Yousif presented Project 2 on organizational structure and RACI. The 2 hours sessions concluded with a Q/A sessions delivered by Dr Assem, Prof Saad, Mr Mohammed, Dr Ahmed Azzam, Dr Yasser and Ms Monia, facilitated by the President. We received very positive feedback from staff who found the event very informative and engaging.
Accreditation is a very important activity over the next few months, and I expect all staff to become well versed in this area by reading thoroughly the HEC accreditation handbook.