Emmy Award winning Dr. William Baker honoured ASU this week with a lecture and tour of the University as part of his cultural visit to Bahrain.
Dr. Baker is a Director of the Bernard L Schwartz Centre for Media, Public Policy and Education at Fordham University, New York. He is a seven-time Emmy Award Winner, a distinguished Professor at IESE Business School, Barcelona and also received two Columbia Dupont Journalism Awards.
Dr. Baker is widely known for introducing the Oprah Winfrey Show and Charlie Rose talk show. He helped to launch the Discovery Channel and the Disney Channel.
At ASU, Dr. Baker delivered a lecture on ‘Entrepreneurism in the Arts’. The main theme of the lecture was that art is a business. To make art more than a hobby it is important to realize that you are not just embarking on a cultural career but also entering a business. Dr. Baker presented the University library with two copies of his book and also received an ASU embossed gift.
The lecture was well attended by students and staff. Dr. Baker was given a tour of the University by Dr. Assem Al-Hajj VP Academic Affairs and Development, where he visited the College of Arts & Science. He viewed an exhibition of Student Projects in the College and also visited classes where he chatted at length with students and staff of the Interior Design & Graphic Design departments.
Our thanks to the team at ASU and to Yusuf Lori at the Capital Governor’s office for making the visit to ASU such a success.