Appointing Professor Mahmoud Abdel-Aty as Chairperson of the African Mathematical Commission
Professor Mahmoud Abdel-Aty, Dean of Research and Graduate studies in Applied Science University has been appointed as Chairperson of the African Mathematical Commission on Mathematics Education in Africa. The president of the African Mathematical Union (AMU) and AMU Executive Committee, have announced that Prof. Mahmoud Abdel-Aty has been appointed as Chairperson of the AMU Commission on Mathematics Education in Africa. In her letter, she writes, I would like to congratulate you for the trust placed in yourself by the AMU Executive Committee. We are convinced, that your rich experience and your organizational skills would be truly helpful for a revitalization of this commission, and that various events would be organized through Africa under your relevant leadership during your mandate (2017-2021), enabling a good progress of mathematics education in the continent. Let me emphasize that at the International level, the United Nations (United Nations, 2012), recognized Mathematics and Science Education as pillars for economic growth and national development; being the foundations for Science Technology and Innovation (STI), that is increasingly becoming knowledge-based. Mathematics skills, are essential for building modern knowledge, readiness to take initiatives, and ability to solve problems and to innovate products and processes; elements that labor market mobility and regional integration are increasingly demanding! Otherwise, according to PISA and TIMSS results, the African students’ achievements are poor till now. This comes through some unsatisfactory educational conditions, but essentially through unqualified mathematics teachers. So the professional development of mathematics teachers should be among the commission objectives.
Short Biography: Prof. Mahmoud Abdel-Aty completed his doctorate in quantum optics at Max-Plank Institute of Quantum Optics, Munch, Germany in 1999. After his analytical study of quantum phenomena in Flensburg University, Germany, 2001-2003, as a post doctorate visitor, he joined the Quantum Information Group in Egypt. He received the D. Sc. (Doctor of Science), in 2007. His current research interests include quantum resources, optical and atomic implementations of quantum information tasks and protocols.
He has published more than 197 papers in international refereed journals, 5 book chapters and 2 books. He is the Editor-in-Chief of an International Journal “Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, USA and Editor of more than 20 International journals. Prof. Abdel-Aty is acting as a president and founder of Natural Sciences Publishing USA. Abdel-Aty’s research has been widely recognized and he has received several local and international awards such as Amin Lotfy Award in Mathematics in 2003, the Mathematics State Award for Encouragement in 2003, the Abdel-Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Physicists in 2005, the Third World Academy of Sciences Award in Physics in 2005, Fayza Al-Khorafy award in 2006, the State Award for Excellence in Basic Science in 2009 etc.
In 2014 he has been elected as a vice-President of the African Academy of Science, in 2016 he has been elected as a member of governor council of Egyptian Mathematical Society and managing editor of its journal. web: