Two-day Advanced Capacity Building Programme
Over the weekend, on Friday 18 November and Saturday 19 November 2016, 25 members of ASU academic staff, led by Dr. Assem Al-Hajj, VP Academic Affairs and Development, and supported and coordinated by Ms. Diana El Hageova, actively participated in the two-day advanced capacity building workshop. The participants received a practical in depth working knowledge of developing qualifications which meet NQF requirements and mapping qualifications to appropriate NQF levels, for consideration for placement to the NQF. Participants got to write learning outcomes, devise assessment and map qualifications to the NQF level descriptors.
The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Ian Morris, a Senior Consultant with Ta’seel in Bahrain. The workshop was well received by ASU staff. Participants received certificates upon completion.
The second batch of ASU Staff will attend this programme next weekend, 25-26 November 2016.