Applied Science University (ASU) and Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society (BBS) working in partnership
As one of its strategic objectives to serve the community, develop meaningful and substantial relationships with external agencies, and offer consultancy services in areas where the university has expertise, Applied Science University has started a process of building a new strategy for the very active and forward looking Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society (BBS).
Three workshops have been held in the premises of the University last week to make a stakeholders and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis which are helpful techniques in developing strategies
All the BBS board members were present along with some external stakeholders and strategic partners like the Supreme Council for Women and United Nation Industrial Development Organisation.
The President of the University, Professor Ghassan Aouad, stated that he was delighted with the close collaboration between BBS and ASU. He expressed his thanks to Ms Monia Mensi, Head of Strategic Planning and Governance at the University for facilitating the workshop and to Mrs Feryal Nass, President of Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society, for her vision, strong leadership and her confidence in the University in helping to develop a futuristic strategy for BBS which makes it really sustainable in the long run.
Ms Feryal Nass, President of Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society, acknowledged the great support for developing the strategy by the University highlighting the importance of tangible collaboration between the Society and ASU and the academic community at large.