oxford business group
On Sunday, 12 June 2016, the President received Ms Clementine Clabault, Country Director of the Oxford Business Group 9OBG) to discuss opportunities for collaboration. All students and staff will have access to the OBG database by registering through the provided link http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/asu
Clementine stated that Oxford Business Group publishes annual reports on emerging markets globally and is offering Applied Science University students and staff a free digital subscription to our entire library of reports.
These reports are primary research, written by a team of analysts who spend 6 months or more living in the countries. Covering over 30 markets and 20 business sectors, the reports have become the leading source of business intelligence in the regions they cover.
Once subscribed, you can use our search engine to search on keywords for relevant information from our database of around 25,000 articles.
This subscription normally retails for £500 per person per year, however we are delighted to offer it free of charge to students and academics for one year as part of our partnership with ASU. Please register here: http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/asu