nusrat al quds (support for jerusalem)
On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Deanship of Student Affairs and Evening Studies held an event “Nusrat Al Quds” on 29 November at ASU campus. The event was organized by Mr. Mohammed Al Najjar, Miss. Maryam Farooq and the Student Council. This yearly event aims to raise awareness of the plight of the Palestinians and show the full support to the Palestinian cause.
A charity Bazaar was held in the lobby. This fundraising event showcased drawings and paintings by talented students from the College of Arts and Science who donated their artwork to be sold in an auction. In addition, students sold homemade Palestinian food that they made themselves. Ward Al Sham and Sit Al Sham restaurants, at the inviation of the the student council, donated food to raise funds.
Two breath-taking flash performances by students highlighted the wretched situations that the Palestinans are facing today. These incredibly powerful performances moved the audience to tears.
Later in the evening, after welcoming the Palestinian Ambassador Mr. Taha Abdul Qader, the event moved to Abdullah Nass Auditorium where the Bahraini and Palestinian national anthems were played. The president and the Ambassador addressed the audience. A video conference with Al Quds University in Palestine took place. This is a unique opportunity for the audience to hear first hand how students in Jerusalem cope with the persecution of their country, their everyday struggles and obstacles they face trying to get an education. After that emotive conference, a video produced by the Student Council was played reflecting an unfortunate incident that occurred recently in Palestine. Finally, a beautiful performance was given by two incredibly talented students who sang Mawtini song; a popular poem written by the Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan. It is an anthem recognised by Arab countries to show their support for the Palestinian cause. The event left a huge impact on both ASU and Al Quds University.