ASU alumni and graduates for the first semester 2013/2014
(Bahrainis only) for the following majors:-
Business Administration, Accounting and finance, Accounting and Management information system
Applied Science University invites you with the co-operation of Tamkeen and Ernst & Young to attend and an opportunity to register in the concerted program between Tamkeen and Ernst & Young for the mentioned majors. This program offers training and a job opportunity that fits the qualifications and majors of ASU alumni and graduates in the Bahraini job market. This presentation will be held on Monday January 13th at ASU new campus at 12:00 pm.
For alumni and graduates interested to attend this presentation please contact Mr.Mohammed Najjar from Saturday to Wednesday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on the following number: 16036037
For more information about the program please follow this link:-
Click Here to See PDF
Click Here See Video